
2022 · UX Designer @ JoinRider

Share adventures

Sharing activities while traveling is excellent for saving money, reducing carbon footprint, and meeting new people. But organizing them can get messy.

JoinRider app screenshot - create event

2022 · UX Designer @ JoinRider

Trust strangers

Before joining strangers for activities, people must clearly understand what's it and build trust in the host. Can we make it happen through an app?

Coming soon

JoinRider app screenshot - Create event flow

2022 · UX Designer @ JoinRider

Discover activities

Whenever people arrive in a new place, they are eager to explore and have new experiences. But it can be challenging to find activities that match their interests.

Coming soon

JoinRider app screenshot - Join event flow

2021 · Product Designer @ Gestoos

Computer Vision for everyone

Computer vision models allow machines to make sense of visual data, enabling innovative interactions and services. Can we make it accessible to everyone?

Gestoos creator - webapp screenshot

2016 · Founder @ Levus

Expense Management

Tracking business expenses is tedious and time-consuming. Let's make it easy and efficient instead.

levus app and webapp